Next week I'm giving on a webinar about puppy vaccine schedules. I'm aiming the webinar at people who have to explain to puppy owners why the crazy schedule, why they can't go to the dog park even though they have all the vaccines they need at this point, why they should socialize
but be cautious... We will start with a whirlwind tour of the immune system to give you
guys a good grounding to understand why puppy vaccines have to be given
every 3-4 weeks. There will be scary parvo stories and photos of cute puppies and cute immune cells and fun biology facts and suggestions on what to do about that vet who thinks socialization isn't all that important. It will be a blast, you should come and ask me lots of questions!
When: Wednesday, March 23, 8-9pm ET
sign up with the Pet Professional Guild
CEUs: Yes, 1!
Questions about whether this webinar will be helpful for you? Ask me here or on Twitter (@dogzombieblog).
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